We use Smarter Select (www.smarterselect.com) to manage our scholarship and grant applications. The staff feedback has been very good. It's been a little more difficult for our reviewers to read other reviewers' scores online but when they change to the print view, it works well for them. We've used it 2 years now. 
Our scholarship and grant site was developed by an organization called Morether. I am happy to share their contact information with you. We have been very pleased with it's capabilities and the service we receive from their support. My email is kristy@templeeducationfoundation.org and I'll share my contact.
I have not worked for an organization that utilizes it, but I have worked with organizations that use Foundant for Grantmakers and have heard the online ease of use and review is simplified. Not a personal recommendation, just sharing another resource.
thanks everyone for your suggestions and input.
@fi-consultant-suzi you are correct. our ISD pays 1/3 of my salary and all of my benefits while the foundation pays for the other 2/3. My board doesn't necessarily want me to stop reporting to my ISD supervisor, and we certainly want to continue our agreement because it is so beneficial to the foundation (in-kind support, office space, etc.) but they were concerned about level of control. The board felt that they were left in the dark for much of the hiring process and they want to prevent any future issues if/when a new superintendent comes in.