January 11, 2023 2:04 pm
Topic starter
We are looking for a (free?) website that would help us narrow down a list of grants to apply for. We have recently added a grant position on our board, and we are hoping to better guide that person where to look for grants that are better suited to our Foundation.
1 Answer
January 11, 2023 2:09 pm
The best place to find grants for an education foundation is to identify private foundations that give for educational purposes. Private foundations must give away 5% of their assets each year so many are looking for public charities to give to.
Amy Cook Topic starter
January 12, 2023 10:17 am
@fi-consultant-laurie Yes, and that is what we are currently looking at. I was just hoping someone had compiled a list of grants they had applied for. We will continue to search on our own.
Thanks, Laurie!